45R Denim Karuta

45rpm studio co., ltd.
Planning, Project Management, ArtDirection, Design, Development
Nov 2024


Learning Culture Through Play

For 45R, a Japanese apparel brand, denim is their signature item. To convey the playfulness and attention to detail embedded in their numerous items created over more than 30 years, we produced an online karuta content.


Making Denim Philosophy Fun

45R often creates unique coined words that appear in their product names and color descriptions. Moreover, the thinking behind these words is extremely unique. Our goal was to use digital technology to convey this distinctive culture in an entertaining way.


Blending 45R's Identity with the Joy of Gaming

For the karuta picture cards, we used original illustrations by Yano-san, following the “45R Indigo Story“. The warm yet distinctive art style embodies 45R’s personality. Through meticulous attention to screen design, animation, and sound details, we created an enjoyable and comfortable experience even within the limited screen size of smartphones.

Project team

Masashi Fujiyoshi
CDO / Art Director / Designer
Tetsu Yamakami
Art Director / Designer
Umi Teranishi
PMO / Project Manager
Hiroaki Yasutomo
CTO / Technical Director
Serika Ikurumi
Front-end Developer
Mana Ohtake
Project Manager
Keiji Yano

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